Chuck: Listen, I'm an integral member of this team and my voice needs to be heard.
Casey: Your pre-pubescent girl screams are going to be duly noted.

I should tell you, I'm always right. It's annoying, but it's true.


Don't you worry. I will have that key back before they serve the lobster. And by the way, I am quite looking forward to it.

Morgan: How do you do that? You command respect.
Casey: No, I take it.

Shaw: Is Chuck Bartwoski a real spy?
Sarah: Yes, of coruse he is. I mean his training has been irregular and he was a civilian only two years ago.
Shaw: These mission reports tell another story. Sometimes he sounds like Bond, other times it's like a Jerry Lewis movie.

Jeff: Your coffee sir.
Morgan: Jeffery, thank you so much. [takes a niff] Mmm hmm. You know, call me old fashioned, but I prefer cream over laxative.

In this mission, Devon is you and you're her. So be her, Chuck.


I have issues of Guns & Ammo magazine that are older than him.

Casey [about Shaw]

Awesome: Geeze, this guy's heavy.
Chuck: Well bad guys don't count carbs, buddy.

Awesome: You're incredible, is that your spy training?
Chuck: Duck Hunt, Nintendo.

Lester: I wanted to thank you Chuck, you made me feel something I haven't felt in a long time...
Morgan: Another human's foot on your body?

Awesome: She knows everything about me.
Sarah: Except which member of the family is a spy.
Casey: That's an understandable mistake. One of them looks like a spy and the other one looks like Chuck.

Chuck Quotes

Sarah: Wow, I didn't think people still named their kids Chuck. Or Morgan, for that matter.
Chuck: My parents were sadists, and carnival freaks found him in a dumpster.
Morgan: But they raised me as one of their own!

Chuck: Uh, you know, Sis, the thing is, Morgan and I don't really feel like we're fitting my birthday party...'cause we don't know anybody, 'cause they're all your friends, and they all happen to be doctors.
Morgan: Doctors who don't really get our jokes!
Chuck: Well, your jokes

Chuck Music

  Song Artist
Wait It Out Imogen Heap iTunes
Black and Gold Sam Sparro iTunes
Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Is In) Kenny Rogers iTunes