Chuck: What exactly are you doing?
Colt: I'm stretching. Getting limber.
Chuck: Why are you doing that?
Colt: So I won't pull a muscle when I break your neck. Maybe you should get limber, too.

(Casey saves Chuck mid-fall off a building)
Chuck: You... You...
Casey: Yeah, I catch you when you fall. It's touching. Really.
Chuck: No, no, I love you!
Casey: Keep it in your pants, Bartowski.

Ellie: You have many skills, Chuck, but the kitchen is not one of them.
Chuck: Oh, but that's why they call it Hamburger Helper.

Chuck: So, can I be completely honest?
Sarah: Yeah?
Chuck: I miss the Wienerlicious. I mean, the Bavarian charm and the toxic nacho cheese that you guys had.
Sarah: My clothes smelled like sausage.
Chuck: Nostalgia completely gone.

My name is Charles Carmichael. I'm a CIA agent, and this is my trap. I don't think you gentlemen recognize the gravity of the predicament you're in. Your call to the Buy More? Yeah, we traced that. Your compound is currently surrounded by 23 infantry troopers, 16 snipers, seven heavy gunners, four demolitions experts and enough ammunition to orbit Arnold Schwarzenegger. You're outmatched and you're outgunned. Those pea-shooters you're holding might as well be sharp sticks and strong language....Of course you don't see anyone. What do you think we are, the FBI? The only thing you're going to see is a muzzle flash and an e-ticket straight to hell.


"Somebody order drive through"? Huh? Did you think that up as you were racing over here to save us? Hey, maybe I'll say this after I crash into the restaurant!


(Chuck and Ellie contemplate new jobs)
Ellie: If you say pilot of the Millennium Falcon, I will hit you.
Chuck: Why would I say that, that's absurd! I'm going to be a ninja assassin.
Ellie: No. Try again.
Chuck: Um, Olympic...
Ellie: Uh uh.
Chuck: Secret agent.
Ellie: This is what happens whey you sit in front of the television too long.

First of all, congratulations, Devon on the, on, what, on whatever God gave you there...


Colt: Hello again, Chuck.
Sarah: And you are?
Colt: My name is Mr. Colt. And I need you to come with me.
Sarah: Now, why would we do that, Mr. Colt?
Colt: 'Cause I assume you find me imposing. Don't worry, you can be honest. I'm going for imposing.

Chuck: I also had an idea for what I'm going to do. I was thinking maybe Eurorail through Europe, y'know, backpacking, that kind of thing.
Ellie: That sounds--
Devon: Awesome. Remind me to tell you about Amsterdam, my man...he he he (Ellie glares at him) Lovely city, lot of canals.

Chuck: If I have to see you with someone else, it might as well be a hero.
Sarah: What can I say? I have a type.

Sarah: Chuck you're not going to have us forever. The Intersect was designed so agents could work autonomously.
Shaw: We're your training wheels and your performance tells me it's about time for us to come off.
Casey: I hope you're ready for your big boy bike, Bartowski.

Chuck Quotes

Sarah: Wow, I didn't think people still named their kids Chuck. Or Morgan, for that matter.
Chuck: My parents were sadists, and carnival freaks found him in a dumpster.
Morgan: But they raised me as one of their own!

Chuck: Uh, you know, Sis, the thing is, Morgan and I don't really feel like we're fitting my birthday party...'cause we don't know anybody, 'cause they're all your friends, and they all happen to be doctors.
Morgan: Doctors who don't really get our jokes!
Chuck: Well, your jokes

Chuck Music

  Song Artist
Wait It Out Imogen Heap iTunes
Black and Gold Sam Sparro iTunes
Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Is In) Kenny Rogers iTunes