There are only two ways this ends, Mrs. Briscou. Your husband dead or your husband in handcuffs.


Bell: She's giving you the cold shoulder.
Stabler: You can't blame her.
Flutura: Oh, get over yourself, Eddie.
Bell: Eddie? Isn't it cute? She still calls you that.
Flutura: It was fun. Like having sex with an altar boy for the first time only he lasted longer.
Bell: Okay, I'd pay a year's salary to unhear those words.

Stabler: On your knees! Hands behind your head!
Kosta: Good game. You almost had me fooled, Eddie Wagner or whatever your name is.

Stabler: You sure you're okay to drive?
Bell: If you ask me that one more time...

Stabler: I'm going in.
Jett: Alone? That's not a great idea.

Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Stabler: You sure you're okay to drive?
Bell: If you ask me that one more time...

Stabler: I'm going in.
Jett: Alone? That's not a great idea.