I'm not a solution to your problems. I'm another problem.

Joan (to Roger)

Pete's Father in law: There's no reward in going down with the ship.
Pete: I have an agency. I'm a partner.

Faye: You're the most hireable man on Madison Avenue.
Don: I'm not at that point yet.

I can say with full confidence that the company is in a state of stability...even with this morning's news.


I just kept living...as him. But now I think that's over.


Lee: I'm gettin' this.
Roger: Why would you do that?
Lee: Sometimes a fella's gott pick up the check.

Lane: Three whiskey sours aught to do.
Robert Pryce: She's asking what you want, not how many you've had.

You know that I love you...my chocolate bunny.


How is it that some people just walk through life dragging their lies with them, destroying everything they touch?


Robert Pryce: Put your home in order, either here or there. You will not live in between.
Lane: Yes sir.

Greg dying is not a solution to this.


Don: What's on this?
Sally: Mrs. Butterworth's.
Don: Go get it...That's rum, read labels.
Sally: Is it bad?
Don: Not really.

Mad Men Quotes

Don Draper: Let me ask you something, what do woman want?
Roger Sterling: Who cares?

Psychiatry is just this year's candy pink stove.
