Joan: You're so arrogant.
Joey: Me? What do you do around here besides walking around like you're trying to get raped?
Joan: Excuse me?
Joey: I'm not some young girl off the bus. I don't need some madame from a Shanghai whorehouse to show me the ropes.

Joan: Cut it out, and don't make me come out here again.
Joey: Sorry, Mom!

I should've finished high school. Everything could have been different.


They say as soon you have to cut down on your drinking, you have a drinking problem.


Don: It's your job. I give you money. You give me ideas.
Peggy: But you never thank me.
Don: That's what the money is for!

You should be thanking me every morning when you wake up, along with Jesus, for giving you another day!


You are 20-something years old, it's time to get over birthdays!


Peggy: Why don't you talk to Joan and get rid of [Mrs. Blankenship]?
Don: No. Joan knew exactly what I needed, and made sure that I got it.

Joan: I don't like sitting at my desk and looking into a garbage dump.
Joey: Although I am paid less, I am still not a janitor.

Don: I wouldn't be good company anyway.
Roger: That's never bothered me before.

Peggy: Should it be funny?
Don: Actually funny? Maybe. Funny like what I just saw? No.

Don: I don't like Joe Namath. He hasn't even played in a professional game yet.
Peggy: He's very handsome.

Mad Men Quotes

Don Draper: Let me ask you something, what do woman want?
Roger Sterling: Who cares?

Psychiatry is just this year's candy pink stove.
