I don't know why everyone cares so much about it. If I wanna see two Negros fight, I'd throw a dollar bill out my window.

Mrs. Blankenship

Roger: That don't seem to give awards for what I do.
Joan: And what is that?
Roger: Find guys like him.

I know you're ashamed of your body. Or you should be at least.

Stan [to Peggy]

I know you're his favorite. I bet he takes you hunting and let's you carry the carcasses in your mouth.

Stan [to Peggy]

Roger: Who do you report to?
General: The President.
Roger: Of What? William Morris?

Roger is a child and we can't have you pulling the cart all by yourself.


Peggy: I was clapping and he thought I was clapping for him.
Stan: Who claps for themselves?

I told him to be himself. That was pretty mean I guess.


Don: Do you got anything on Vicl's?
Peggy: Actually it's Vick. Vick Chemical.
Don: Answer the question.

Danny: You know what they say: aspiration's as good as perspiration.
Don: That's not how it goes.

Since when is forgiveness a better quality than loyalty?


Misters Peters and Pryce to see you.

Miss Blankenship

Mad Men Quotes

Don Draper: Let me ask you something, what do woman want?
Roger Sterling: Who cares?

Psychiatry is just this year's candy pink stove.
