Don: Everything's gonna be fine.
Betty: How do you know that?
Don: You'll see.

If you can make it through a day like today, marriage is a cake walk.


Can someone please get my wife out of the kitchen? I have something very nice to say about her.


Don: Why are the kids watching this?
Betty: What am I supposed to do, Don? Am I supposed to keep it from them?

We have a new President and we're all gonna be sad for a little bit.


I don't care what your politics are, this is America. You don't just shoot the President.


Trudy: Have you been drinking?
Pete: The whole country is drinking!

I found out yesterday that Head of Accounts is going to Kenny and his haircut.


Everything you do is for her. I'm your wife!


Mr. Cosgrove has the rare gift of making clients feel they have no needs.


Betty: What would you do if you were me? Would you love you?
Don: I was surprised you ever loved me.

All this time I thought you were some football player that hated his family.


Mad Men Quotes

Don Draper: Let me ask you something, what do woman want?
Roger Sterling: Who cares?

Psychiatry is just this year's candy pink stove.
