With you or without you, I'm moving on. I don't know if I can do it without you. Will you help me?

Don [to Peggy]

You're a whore. You know that?

Don [to Betty]

I don't wanna make a career out of being there so you can kick me when you fail.


Don: I'm not gonna beg you.
Peggy: Beg me? You didn't even ask me.

Don: I'm not gonna let you break up this family.
Betty: I didn't break up this family.

You're not good as relationships because you don't value them.


I wanna see what you look like with your tail between your legs.

Roger [to Don]

I want to build something of my own. How do you not understand that?


I got everything I have on my own. It's made me immune to those that cry and complain because they can't.


I don't love you.


I want to scream at you for ruining all this. Then, you tried to fix it and there's no point.


Roger: No one else is saying the right thing about this.
Joan: You're really upset.
Roger: What's that about?
Joan: Because there's nothing funny about this.

Mad Men Quotes

Don Draper: Let me ask you something, what do woman want?
Roger Sterling: Who cares?

Psychiatry is just this year's candy pink stove.
