Randall: It's always darkest before the dawn, but we hang our tragedies on a fence post and we fight on.
Kevin: What do we do?
Randall: I don't know. It sounded better when Beth said it.

Tess: I haven't been nice to you.
Beth: It's been a big year for you. A lot of changes. And I haven't got it all right.
Tess: You've got a lot right. I love you, Mom, even if I forget to say it for the next ten years.
Beth: Then this one time will have to be enough.

Miguel, are you sure this is going to hold up? I love America's Funniest Home Videos as much as the next guy but I don't want to be on it.


Beth: Tess, you look incredible.
Tess: Thanks.
Beth: I know I've been doing everything wrong with you lately so I probably should tiptoe, but these slippers weren't meant for tiptoeing. So what's up?
Tess: I feel like everyone wants a version of me that isn't me. I'm not comfortable in this dress but I don't want to disappoint Uncle Kevin or you.
Beth: I'm going to stop you right there because you can never disappoint me. You can wear shorts to this wedding or root for the Dallas Cowboys or murder someone. I might be surprised. I might ask some questions. But I'd assume you had your reasons.

Randall: Last week you were all Jerry McGuire. You good now?
Kevin: I know my entire romantic life has been an exercise in self-destruction, but not today. I'm good.

Toby: I want to go back to work, Kate. I need to. Staying at home is just... I love our children but...
Kate: Okay. Got it.
Toby: Kate!
Kate: Toby. My husband is contemplating taking a job that puts him in another city three days a week, and he just started a sentence with 'I love my children, but....' Give me a minute to digest this.

Rebecca: You didn't happen to tape the game, did you?
Jack: Oh yeah, the Pirates game. I couldn't keep my eyes open.
Rebecca: And you couldn't see the words DO NOT TAPE OVER? I am stuck here all day with triplets, Jack! I have to wait a week to see a show the whole rest of the world has seen already and I have been humming in the grocery store out of some irrational fear that I might find out who got killed at the wedding before I see it.

This Is Us Season 5 Episode 16 Quotes

Toby: I want to go back to work, Kate. I need to. Staying at home is just... I love our children but...
Kate: Okay. Got it.
Toby: Kate!
Kate: Toby. My husband is contemplating taking a job that puts him in another city three days a week, and he just started a sentence with 'I love my children, but....' Give me a minute to digest this.

Rebecca: You didn't happen to tape the game, did you?
Jack: Oh yeah, the Pirates game. I couldn't keep my eyes open.
Rebecca: And you couldn't see the words DO NOT TAPE OVER? I am stuck here all day with triplets, Jack! I have to wait a week to see a show the whole rest of the world has seen already and I have been humming in the grocery store out of some irrational fear that I might find out who got killed at the wedding before I see it.