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After a montage of Shaun and Lim both grieving, a board meeting is called. Salen is sensitive to everyone's loss but says they must be discreet because a lawsuit could be in the offing. Lim is pissed that Salen dares lecture them about professionalism. Glassman warns her not to go up again Salen and risk her job, but she doesn't care. She's taking her down.

Meanwhile, Lea tries to talk to Shaun about their conflict. She doesn't think it makes sense that he doesn't want to marry her because she made one mistake (though Shaun pedantically points out she told three related lies, not just one.) Shaun refuses to talk, instead heading to the ER.

Park and Shaun meet a car accident victim who keeps asking if he hurt anyone else. He's drunk and hurt only himself. Park agrees the guy is an idiot, but a lucky one.

A woman comes to see Morgan. She had plastic surgery in Brazil to reduce her butt size but it didn't go well. Morgan goes to Andrews along with perpetually bickering Asher and Jordan. Morgan's stance is that the woman had the surgery in Brazil because she was afraid of her friends making fun of her in the US, not because she thought she'd save money. Neither Morgan nor Andrews has time for the residents' banter about who else does superficial things for beauty.

Salen comes to see the grieving mother. She apologizes personally for the loss and tells her that she shouldn't tell her this, but the pharmacy made a mistake and gave Shaun expired medicine. Ethicure will cover medical expenses and give her a settlement of $200,000. She just needs the woman to sign a form (is it a release of liability for the hospital???

Salen meets with the pharmacy tech, who claims to have documentaiton disproving her claims he is at fault, but she says she has sued people before and he hasn't. Her version of events is that he killed the baby. She gets him to sign an NDA as part of a severance package.

Shaun is not paying attention while Park goes over the treatment plan for the drunk driver and his broken leg. Park asks if he wants to talk about what happened in the pharmacy. Shaun doesn't see the point as it wouldn't change anything.

Jordan and Asher continue their bickering while the plastic surgery patient is having a scan done. Morgan somehow asks if they just enjoy bickering with each other without any awareness of the irony. Anyway, the woman's chest hurts and then she crashes.

A woman comes into the ER wanting to see the crash victim. Shaun recognizes her as the woman the driver was brokenhearted over and bluntly tells her that she's the reason he got drunk and crashed into a tree.

Lea asks Glassman for help with Shaun. Glassman keeps telling her to give Shaun space and she dismisses that as sexism. She bugs Glassman until he agrees to talk to Shaun for her.

In surgery, Shaun again becomes distracted when Lim is told that Lea wants to see her.

Lim goes to see Lea, who has printed out 4k pages of documents for her to review as part of her quest to get Salen.

Glassman comes to see Shaun, who refuses to talk about Lea. Glassman asks why. Shaun says Park says all women are shallow. Glassman says so she made a mistake. That doesn't make her shallow.

Morgan and the residents talk to their patient. It's not safe to repair the plastic surgery until her pulmonary embolisms are resolved, which takes a few days on meds. The woman insists on having the surgery now. She went half way around the world for this surgery and won't let anything interfere with it. The residents try to reason with her. The woman somehow concludes that if Morgan doesn't give her her way, Morgan is judging her. Morgan agrees to schedule the surgery for the following morning.

Shaun tells Monica that Phil is out of surgery but doesn't want to see her. He asks her why she isn't interested in Phil. Monica tells Shaun that she tried, but she doesn't feel that way about Phil and doesn't want to settle for less than she deserves.

Lim searches through the documents and finds something. She goes to the fired pharmacy tech and says that Salen's acquisition of the hospital has not been finalized yet. One of the regulatory requirements is that a for-profit hospital may not allow profit to interfere with care. She wants the tech to help her prove that Salen put profit over patient safety in the case of this baby. The tech says he signed an NDA. Lim says he needs to give back the severance pay and tear up the NDA. He doesn't want to. He has a wife and kids and needs to be able to get another job. Lim asks him if he will tell his kids the truth about why he changed jobs or lie to them. He agrees to help her.

While scrubbing up, Jordan wonders if Morgan is right that she and Asher like to argue. He doesn't think so. They have to kick the tires on every argument. Besides, she just doesn't like him having an opinion. Jordan says Asher must not have been exposed to strong women growing up in an insular community. Asher snaps at her to stop insulting his mother. Has she ever met a Hasidic woman before? Andrews comes in and asks if there's a problem and wants to know why they aren't in the OR yet.

Shaun and Park go to see Phil and talk about his next surgery. Phli asks if Monica is still here. Shaun says no and goes back to talking about the surgery. Park tells Phil that Monica waited all day and cares about him. Phil should just give her space and maybe she'll fall for him. Shaun feels a need to interject that Park is lying and said in the OR that Monica would never be with someone who looks like Phil.

Park confronts Shaun outside. If he can't be objective, he should get off the case.

Lim goes to see Glassman, who thinks she should drop this. The pharmacy tech signed an NDA and is not a credible witness since he took money, even if he does renege. Lim is adamant. Glassman agrees with her that Salen needs to go but doesn't think any AG will take this case. Lim says if he won't help, she'll go it alone.

Shaun goes to see Glassman. He is convinced that Lea doesn't think he's good enough for her because he has ASD. Glassman tries to impress on him that that's ridiculous. Shaun has to run to the surgery room.

The plastic surgery begins. Jordan makes a snarky comment and Andrews calls her on her unprofessionalism. Asher has her back and Morgan agrees from the observation deck that he and Jordan are a good team. The woman starts crashing. Andrews finds and removes a blood clot but it happens again. He says they have to start ECHO.

Lim is in surgery but she gets a call from the pharmacy tech. Apparently his wife is afraid he won't get another job so he has changed his mind about helping go against Salen. Lim starts arguing with him but he hangs up. She calls him a spineless prick under her breath. It looks like some guys overhear.

Shaun comes to see Glassman in the cafeteria and announce that Phil's surgery was a success. Glassman asks him out for drinks after work. Shaun asks if Glassman really thinks Lea has gotten over her belief that Shaun's ASD makes him inferior or is he lying to make him feel better? Glassman asks if he's ever lied. Shaun says yes and has some story about when he was a kid and someone was laughing at him behind his back. Glassman says that he's not a kid anymore. Shaun says he's still weird. Glassman says everyone is weird and feels like they're not good enough. Shaun finds that unhelpful.

The plastic surgery patient awakens. The surgery was a success and she has no damage to her organs.

Lim goes to see the AG, who says she has no proof. Lim says the tech was intimidated into silence and that the AG has a responsibility to make sure that Salen doesn't continue creating situations that cost lives. The AG will think about it.

Shaun and Park go to update Phil on his surgery. Phil is glad that Monica is gone. He doesn't need her pity anyway. Park tells him to stop worrying about dating girls who look like supermodels and worry about how they make him feel about himself. Phil kicks him out. Shaun says Park is right.

Jordan and Asher have drinks at the bar. Jordan says Asher reminds her of her older brother, who drives her nuts but she loves him.

Lim gets a call, presumably from the AG, telling her news she doesn't want to hear. Salen passes by her and informs her that she knows about the meeting and will never forget that Lim tried to sabotage her.

Shaun goes home and attempts to make up with Lea but somehow she concludes that him not wanting her to send Glassman to take care of him means he holds all her mistakes against her and thinks she's not good enough for him, so she doesn't want to get married anymore and in fact plans to move out. She goes and cries in her car.


The Good Doctor
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The Good Doctor Season 5 Episode 8 Quotes

Glassman: Whatever you're thinking of doing, don't.
Lim: She's gonna lecture us on our professional duties? A baby is dead because of her narcissistic need to be a disruptor instead of an administrator.

Salen: As you are all aware, a lawsuit is a possibility. We all need to exercise professional discretion in our communications with the mother.
Lim: We're all aware of our professional responsibilities, thank you.
Salen: I just figured a reminder never hurts.