White Collar News

11 TV Geniuses Who Resorted To Crime

11 TV Geniuses Who Resorted To Crime

It's always fun to see genius characters on our television screens, but it's always more interesting when they use their wits on committing a crime. Check out our list of criminal geniuses!
Posted in: Breaking Bad

White Collar Details

White Collar focuses on the partnership between a con artist and an FBI agent. It airs on USA and is akin to Catch Me If You Can on the small screen.

After catching criminal Neal Caffrey escaping from prison, agent Peter Burke offers him a deal: provide his expertise to assist the FBI in catching other elusive criminals. In exchange, he'll receive his freedom... eventually.

The light-hearted show takes this premise and runs with it.

USA Network
Number of Episodes
Start Date

White Collar Quotes

Burke: You look like a cartoon!
Caffrey: This is classic Rat Pack - this is Devore!
Burke: Oh, sorry, Dino.

Caffrey: How upset were the Canadians?
Peter: Oh, very... well, as upset as Canadians can get.