Drama: Come on, King Maker -- He came home for me at 10-to-1 at Belmont. That's how I bought the Lincoln. Any of this ringing a bell?
Vince: Not really.
Eric: No
Turtle: I thought you bought your Lincoln from selling weed at the high school.
Eric: That rings a bell

Vince: I don't know what it's called.
Eric: That's what it's called -- a Cartier love bracelet.
Turtle: Does that mean that Vince and Amanda are in love?
Vince: No, it means E knows way too much about jewelry. edit

Eric: We think it could be like Scarface, Joe.
Joe: Scarface was a bomb at the box-office.
Eric: Scarface was ahead of it's time. Medellin isn't, Medellin is now

Sloan: What is your plan? If you go and shoot this movie for six months, I wanna know what me and all of these boxes are waiting for?
Eric: Can I be honest?
Sloan: Yeah.
Eric: I've been so caught up trying to put this movie together, I haven't really thought about it.
Sloan: Okay, I understand. Can I be honest?
Eric: Yeah.
Sloan: You really need to

Eric: I'm not moving in with her, Drama, I'm just staying there til we leave to shoot the movie.
Turtle: Yeah, and that girl from Silence of The Lambs is just "staying" in that well

Eric: Do you know a director named Billy Walsh, Nicky?
Nick: Are you kidding, I am Queens Boulevard.

Eric: Why aren't we shooting?
Vince: I just act, kid

Eric: Why arn't we shooting, Billy?
Billy: Light's not right.
Eric: When is it going to be right?
Billy: When the clouds move.
Eric: When is that gonna be?
Billy: I'm a film maker, suit. Not a fucking weatherman

Eric: So, first party at the new place huh Drama?
Drama: Don't be ignorant! It's not a party it's a get together. A get together is less than a dozen people bro'.
Turtle: You don't be ignorant Drama 'cause this is definitely going to be a party.
Eric: Or simultaneous get togethers if it makes it easier to swallow

Billy: You want to eat first? You want something?
Vince: I'm okay.
Billy: We got empanadas.
Vince: No. I'm all good.
Billy: You want an empanada, suit?
Eric: We just ate, Billy.
Billy: How about a tamale?
Eric: We're all good.
Billy: What about one of those blow jobs? Want one of those?
Eric: No

Eric: Wow. Cutting the old fashion, huh?
Billy: Why fuck a woman with a vibrator when you've got a dick, right suit?
Eric: I don't know what that means, but we're excited to see what you've done, Billy

Billy: Guys, my whole crew is Latin; help make this film as absolutely authentic as it could be. (Delivers while walking around introducing the crew.)My editor Raul, his assistant slash little brother Terro. Both Mexican, both totally legal. My, uh, post guy's Brazilian, the caterers from Chile. (Turns towards Vince and Eric) Every Thursday we get that endangered sea bass flown in.
(Very pretty Latin female walks past)
Eric: What does she do?
Billy: She gives blow jobs. Seriously, she's a street walker I brought back from Columbia

Entourage Quotes

They drive that way in Tienanmen Square, bitch?


Turtle: Kristin's fucking Vince Vaughn!
Eric: What are you talking about? She's back with that restaurant guy...
Turtle: She was in the middle of 40 Deuce with her hands down Vince Vaughn's pants.
Eric: She had her hands down his pants?!
Drama: Yeah, both of 'em.
Eric: Vince Vaughn?! That puffy motherfucker?!
Drama: Nah, bro, he didn't look puffy at all. He was looking real good.
Turtle: Yeah, it was kinda like "Swingers" Vince Vaughn, not Old School Vince Vaughn... it's kinda like New School Vince Vaughn

Entourage Music

  Song Artist
Song Lemon And Lime Daniel Lenz
Soul Of A Man Beck iTunes
Song Shutterbugg Big Boi iTunes